I’m tired. Maybe you are, too. This was not my originally planned post, but I think we’ll be okay postponing the Bible study post for a week. I would love to rewind to pre-COVID19 days, or better yet, fast-forward to the part when this is all over. Seeing how neither of those are options, I’m left to trek through it. The good news is that I don't travel alone.

Almost a decade ago, I was a part of small, tight knit discipleship group. Part of what we did together was listen to Graham Cooke’s teaching “The Art of Thinking Brilliantly.” One of his stories penetrated my heart like none other. A woman diagnosed with cancer came to Cooke for prayer, and he pastored her through the moment by leading her to ask God what he could be for her during this particular time that he couldn’t be for her in any other time. As I listened, I felt my imagination swell with faith. I had never viewed challenging news in such an approach. I had never thought to see problems as opportunities to encounter God in new ways. In fact, I am much more prone to stay weary. Probably because I think honest feelings should have a place in Christian community and sometimes we don’t give them enough space. But that question, that prayer changes things.

God, what do you want to be for me today that under any other circumstances you couldn’t be?

I think we could all use this prayer today. I know I can. So. Here’s my plan. I’m going to bring my lethargic soul and overworked mind to God. I’m going to journal all the feelings, all the frustrations, all the needs, all the thoughts. All. The. Thoughts.  I am going to pray that prayer. And then I’m going to worship in the waiting. I’m going to sing songs that remind me of the goodness and love of God and that help me put my eyes up towards God instead of down in my circumstances.

And then I think I’ll put on some make-up, a cute top but comfy bottoms, and go for a drive. Maybe bring a cup of coffee or tea to sip on. I’ll combine the seemingly superficial and the sacred, and there I will meet God. I can’t wait.

MOVEMENT STEP. Take some time this week to pray, “God, what do you want to me for me today that under any other circumstances you couldn’t be?” Then purposefully do something that is life giving to you. Perhaps instead of a drive, it’s a hike. Maybe it’s a FaceTime call with a friend without a scheduled end. It could be making one of those facial scrubs using ingredients from your kitchen pantry that I see so much on Pinterest. Whatever you do, keep seeking God in this season. God is still good; there is much more to come.