My Story

Hello! I'm so glad you wandered over to my little corner of the world! I'm a Californian native and currently living in my favorite beach town. I’m married to an incredible man, Eric, who grew up in Taiwan and Canada. Being a bi-racial, multi-cultural family has its delights and unique challenges, but we wouldn’t want it any other way. We’re expecting our first baby this summer!
I grew up in a small town in the Central Valley, and for most of my childhood, if I wasn’t at school, I was at church. Even though I was raised in a Christian home, I have found that having faith in Jesus is not a given. Faith is definitely a choice, and it’s a choice that I have had to say yes to at various times in my life. Those “yeses” have challenged me and shaped me in ways unlike anything else has. With every “yes,” I take a step towards Jesus and who he has fashioned me to be and what he has created me to do.
For over a decade, I have worked with primarily middle school—college students, both as a teacher and a pastor. They’ve taught so much about loving God and loving people well. You’ll see their imprints on my life throughout my stories and posts.
I have a Bachelor’s degree from Azusa Pacific University; a Master’s degree from California State University, Bakersfield; and a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. Currently, I am an instructor at California Coast Bible College.
I guess you could say I really like Jesus, and I really like school.
As you explore Women Disciples, feel free to contact me with your thoughts, questions, prayer requests. Faith is a life-long adventure, and it’s always better when you go on the journey with friends. I'm so glad you're here!
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