Three of my favorite Women Disciples celebrated a birthday recently. Below is my love letter to them.
To the Warriors Pyle,
This fifteenth birthday is a special year. Your first birthday as a high schooler, you are entering the stage of discovering who you are and what you were crafted to do. For me, this was both an exciting and nerve-racking time. What if I get it wrong? (Sometimes I did—and when I did, God was there. God’s grace covered me, and God’s wisdom redirected me.) But what if I get it right? (God was there too—and it was exhilarating.) As you take steps on the road ahead, keep these secrets of womanhood in mind.
The secret of womanhood is that it’s a journey of becoming who God created you to be. Some days will feel glorious, and some days will make you cry. Both of those kinds of days are important because God wastes nothing as God forms us.
The secret of womanhood is that you do not have to figure it out on your own. Others have gone before you. You can glean wisdom from them, whether it’s reading their story in the Bible or sitting across from them with a cup of tea and something yummy to nibble or reading their book while curled up in a blanket. On the best days, the womanhood is a sisterhood, and we share what we know generously. (Some women don’t understand this yet, but there are plenty that do. Spend time with the women who understand this secret.)
The secret to womanhood is to listen to the right voice among the many. Listen for the One voice that matters most. Still your heart and wait. Listen for the One that will beckon you to adventure in your faith. The One who knows you best—after all this One created you—loves you fiercely and is forever cheering for you. When the world is loud, this One is powerful. When our own voice doubts, this One sees the beginning and the end and KNOWS all. Trust this One.
My dear ones, your spirits are beautiful. You gorgeously reflect the image of God. Your minds are sharp, and your hearts are full of compassion. You are a gift to this world. Don’t let anyone or anything make you think or feel differently. As you take your steps on the road ahead, you do not walk alone; many walk with you, including me. I love you forever.
Movement Step: Is there a younger Woman Disciple you can encourage in their faith movement today? If not, consider who you might start to invest in for 2020. And then pray for your church’s children’s pastors and youth pastors as they teach and disciple the next generation.